April Birthstone - Brilliant Diamond | shoprmcgems
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April Birthstone - Brilliant Diamond

  • by shoprmc gems
April Birthstone - Brilliant Diamond

The April birthstone, Diamond, is a truly all-time famous gemstone, legendary for its sparkling brilliance, and excellent design values. Diamonds come in a fantastic variety of shapes, sizes, cuts, and styles. Diamonds are also famous for their prestige value, but these gemstones are if anything underrated for their beauty and elegance.

Diamond as a birthstone

The actual word "Diamond" comes from the Greek word for "indestructible". Their cultural origin is in India, where diamonds were the gemstones of royalty. Diamond has a very long history as a birthstone, dating back to the second century. Diamonds are revered for the power of clarity and strength and "warding off the evil eye".

Diamonds as designer jewelry

Diamonds are typically thought to be classic upmarket designer jewelry. This is true of larger diamonds, and big, complex jewelry designs. In practice, however, diamonds are often used in less expensive designs, mainly for aesthetic reasons. These incredible gemstones can be used for any number of types of jewelry, from basic rings to brooches, necklaces, and similar personal adornments.

Diamonds seemed to be always at the forefront of jewelry design throughout the centuries. In modern and custom jewelry, designers have been using diamonds as integrated gemstones, sometimes even within other gemstones. These dazzling inserts can be used in gemstones like topaz and amethyst, creating beautiful internal highlights.

Diamonds in the market

Diamonds have a somewhat undeserved reputation for being incredibly expensive. As a matter of fact, you can get diamonds for lower prices, particularly from major suppliers.

If you're looking for a diamond for a birthstone, some good news:

Online shopping is definitely the way to go when shopping for diamonds. You can browse a vast selection of diamonds to get an accurate understanding of prices. You can also see a very broad range of designs, from the top of the market.

Gemstone certification is standard practice. You needn't worry too much about gemstone authenticity with reputable suppliers. They will be happy to provide you with certification and their terms of sale will also protect you.

Good prices are always available. One of the most common mistakes consumers make when buying diamonds is to assume that they will be paying a fortune. That's simply not the case. You will be able to find diamonds in your budget range.

Good design adds value. Good jewelry design, particularly custom design, is a major asset when buying any type of gemstone. A simple, elegant, diamond ring in a good setting can easily outclass other designs. (It's always worth talking to your jewelry that custom design options. You can create fabulous jewelry at a much lower price.)

RMC is a very broad-spectrum major global jewelry supplier. We offer a very broad selection of gemstones, and we can definitely help with sourcing your diamonds for you. If you're looking for a particular design style of diamond, just ask us. We will also be happy to provide you with gemstone certification, technical advice and support, and practical help when you need it.



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