Aquamarine is the birthstone for March

Aquamarine is a relatively common gemstone, and is affordable in lighter colors. Deeper colors can command high prices. Some enormous transparent crystal masses of Aquamarine have been found, and exquisite gems weighing thousands of carats have been cut from them. The light blue to blue-green color of Aquamarine may fade upon prolonged exposure to light, so it is especially important to purchase this gem from a reliable dealer. Aquamarine is a hard and durable gem, but it may develop internal cracks if banged hard. Light blue Topaz is easily mistaken for Aquamarine. The colors of these two gems can be identical, and their physical properties are very similar. Topaz is generally less expensive, and some fraudulent dealers may sell their Topaz as Aquamarine.
Unlike Emerald, Aquamarine gems are often completely flawless. Aquamarines with visible flaws are rarely seen. The costs of producing synthetic Aquamarine are very high when compared to the relative abundance of this gem, so synthetic Aquamarine is generally not produced for the gemstone market. March Birthstone Aquamarine – transparent gem with a greenish-blue tint. This is a variety of beryl. As a talisman, March Birthstone aquamarine can protect the happiness of the spouses. Most of aquamarine jewelry as a sign of eternal love exchanged between people who love each other. This March Birthstone will save us from disaster in the water. March Birthstone Aquamarine makes man more courageous and can alert their owner the dangers threatening it, changing its color. In addition March Birthstone aquamarine can ease the pain throat and teeth. Treasure of the sea The word aquamarine means sea water and some legends consider aquamarine to be the treasure of mermaids. Aquamarine has an element of mysticism and magic. It is said that if you dream about it, you will meet new friends. Mystical magic A beautiful stone that sits perfectly in jewellery, whether it is a necklace, ring or earrings, aquamarine is also said to have many mystical characteristics. Reputedly soothing, particularly for married couples to work out their differences, aquamarine also wards off the devil. The color of the sea The March birthstone, aquamarine, is always pastel blue, although the darker the colour the more valuable the stone.