Gemstones Guide to Precious & Semi Precious Stones – Page 25
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Tourmaline Care and Cleaning Guide

Tourmaline Care and Cleaning Guide

Tourmaline ranks 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.   Hardness and toughnessGem and mineral hardness is measured on the Mohs scale. The numbers are based on the relative ease or difficulty with which one mineral can be scratched by another. But the Mohs scale is deceptive. The steps between the minerals are not evenly spaced. For example, diamond is only one number away, but it’s many times harder...

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JUNE BIRTHSTONE : Alexandrite & Moonstone

JUNE BIRTHSTONE : Alexandrite & Moonstone

Having more than one birthstone, Alexandrite & Moonstone, June's birthstones are as unique as it comes. Extremely rare and having "colour-changing" abilities, the Alexandrite is green in daylight and changes to a purple-red hue in incandescent or artificial light. June birthstone, alexandrite was discovered in Russian emerald mines in more modern times, around 1834. Legend suggests that its discovery fell on the same day that the future Russian Czar Alexander II came...

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Spoil Dad this Father’s Day with a great range of Gemstones!

Spoil Dad this Father’s Day with a great range of Gemstones!

Discover our Father's Day Sale online now at! To help you celebrate Father’s Day we are offering a 25% discount across our online store until Sunday the 18th of June, 2019. To claim your 25% discount simply enter the code  TREATDAD in the coupon box of your shopping cart before you check out. You can use the promotion code as many times as you wish and it is able to be...

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Diamonds Inside of Stones

Diamonds Inside of Stones

  SHOPRMCGEMS uses a rare laser cut technique to position diamonds inside of stones. SHOPRMCGEMS is one of the very few using this artistic technology as of today. You can see your ravishing diamonds peering at you through the precious stone of your choice - a sumptuous beauty the eyes cannot deny. You, and everybody else would want to steal a glance at it again and again. A novel breakthrough...

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